
Saturday, October 9, 2010

"H" is for Hot Fudge Sundaes, among other things

For our Alphabet Service Project this week, we decided to do something a little different and have over a friend who's name begins with H.  Annika has a sweet little friend from church named Hannah, so we asked her and her mom and brother over for lunch and a playdate.

The girls played Hungry Hippos and Hi Ho Cheery-O, wore Hats, colored Horses, and we ate grilled Ham and cheese sandwiches, fruit salad with Honeydew, and indulged in Hot Fudge Sundaes (for which Annika and I made this chocolate syrup) for dessert.  

The rest of the week, we also ate Hot dogs, Hamburgers and Hashbrown casserole, gave lots of Hugs, and played Hopscotch.   And after all that, Annika is still calling the letter H "G"instead.  Guess we'd better keep working on it.    

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