
Friday, February 10, 2012

Melting Snowman Cookies

Marissa and Annika were both the designated "snack bringers" for their Wednesday night church classes this week.
I had spotted these cookies recently and couldn't wait for a chance to make them.....they're just so CUTE!

The girls were very willing helpers in decorating these snow guys and gals - and their friends at church were super thrilled with them as well.
If we're not going to get real snow this year, we might as well eat some melting snowmen cookies, right?

Annika has been asking me if we can make these cookies every time they have to take snack, she loved them so much.  

Some of the snowmen weren't so happy with their fate - and some just took it all in stride with a big smile on their faces.  Some had bows - the one at the bottom right corner ended up with three of them, thanks to Marissa!  One had a headband that ended up looking like green hair.

This disgruntled snowman sported earmuffs with his nicely coordinated bow tie.  

  • You can make your cookie dough from scratch, or you can even use the sugar cookie mix or pre-made dough from the store if you so desire.  
  • The amount of Royal Icing was a bit much- I ended up with quite a bit leftover, but I'd rather have too much than too little.  We decorated 30 cookies. 

Recipe: (adapted from Truly Custom Cakery - she has a great tutorial on how to make these!)

Sugar Cookies (I used this recipe)
Large Marshmallows
*Royal Icing (recipe follows)
Icing Colors (Food Color or Wilton Gel Colors of your choice.)
Silver Dragees, Mini Chocolate Chips, or other little candy pieces to use for buttons and accessories (optional)
Wax Paper

*Wilton Royal Icing Recipe
3 T. meringue powder
1 lb. sifted powdered sugar ( about 4 cups)
6 T. water

Make your sugar cookies first.  Whatever recipe or mix you use, when the dough is chilled and ready to bake, shape into balls and press flat, about 1/4" thick.  They should not be identical or symmetrical - it's melted puddles of snow you're forming!

Bake and cool the cookies completely.  Then make the Royal Icing.

IF using a counter top mixer, beat all ingredients at low speed for 7 to 10 minutes until icing forms peaks. If you are using a hand held mixer, it will take more like 10-12 minutes.

AFTER you get stiff peaks, transfer a few Tablespoons of icing to a bowl and tint orange.  I used a tad of red and yellow. Scoop into a sandwich bag and seal it shut.  Snip off one tiny corner for piping. Because it was so thick, it stood out straight when I piped the noses and really looked like little carrots.  Fun!

Do the same procedure for any other colors you want to tint.

Thin the remaining white icing by adding water while stirring, a teaspoon at a time.

To test for the right consistency: Using a knife, scoop a little of your runny icing and hold above the bowl. As it drips, count to 10. By the count of 10, the icing that dripped down should meld into the icing in the bowl so there is no indication of where your drips landed.

Put your icing in a container covered with a wet paper towel and a lid when you're not using it. If you don't, the icing will dry out quickly. 

When frosting a cookie, don't be afraid to let it puddle around the base of the cookie a little.  Once it dries, it will stay there and look even more like melting snow!  Take a marshmallow and squish it a little.  Pipe on the facial features and place on the cookie.  Pipe on arms, buttons, and other additional details as desired.
We liked little bow ties....handsome fellow. 

Scarves were very nice too.  Note: all of my colored icing except the noses was sparkly decorating gels, not tinted royal icing.


  1. We made 'melted snowmen' cupcakes for Adrienne's birthday (before we had snow.;-).
    The kids did all the work decorating. The girls got a little carried away with making hair and such, but that's where the joy is ~ in the making of them!
    In reading your directions, we should have decorated the head first *before* putting it on. Opps. I was wondering how you got the faces to look so cute!
    (yeah, I just looked back at the photo. Definitely 'kids' work'.)
    Great job!

  2. haha this is such a cute whimsical idea!! love this

  3. These are darling.I am rather new toyour blog, but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy the time Ispend here. I love the food and recipes you share with your readers and I never seem to leave empty handed. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments! You made my day!

  4. Hi! I'd really love to feature this post and one of your images in a Christmas cookie round-up post I'm doing. Is that okay with you? Please shoot me an email at at your earliest convenience! THANKS so much!

  5. Thanks for a great recipe! I chose this as my SRC recipe for today!
