
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family Vacation, Part 3

If you will indulge me a little more, here are some more photos of our trip to see my family in April.  

 Corban got to race go-carts with his two cousins closest to his age.  Corban and Katie were due on the same day but born 19 days apart in October 2003, and Jonathan was born in May 2004.  

 Like I said, it rained a lot.  My parents' back yard got a nice little river running through it, affectionately termed "Nonny's River" after what the grandkids call my mom.  

There were LOTS of books read  - especially since we were inside so much.   Here, my sister Sarah is reading to Annika, her daughter Sabrina, and Marissa.  

 We got to spend a few hours visiting my high school best friend, Kim and a couple of her kids.  She has been such a special friend to me since I was 12 years old and we always go to see her when we're in Arkansas.

 There's nothing like a sheet to keep a group of kids entertained!  
Annika getting a shoulder ride on Granddaddy - pretty high up since he's nearly 6'5" tall!

 We discovered Ellia has a passion for bead necklaces - she usually was found with 5 or 6 of them around her neck.  My mom ended up giving them to her - and she still loves to wear her beads at home. 

 Our last day there the weather was finally beautiful and we got to take a short hike to a nearby waterfall.  Just lovely.

 Me and my little sister, Anna (can't believe she's 22 - that must make me.....oh never mind.)

 View from the top of the hill near a dam.

 Marissa and cousin Eva (9).

 Our Ergo comes in awfully handy for such outings.  

My brother and 5 of his 6 kids, my sister Anna, my parents, and my family on a bridge after the waterfall viewing.

We made so many great memories and miss the family every day.  Hopefully it won't be another 2.5 years until our next visit.  

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