
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Family Vacation, Part 2

Continuing our family trip, we left the Creation Museum and northern Kentucky and took a 5-1/2 hour drive down to the Nashville area of Tennessee.  I lived in that area for two years after college (it's where Grant and I met at a swing dance over 10 years ago!) and so driving into Nashville felt like coming home in a way.  We made it to my sister Sarah's home and stayed with her family for a couple of nights.  We hadn't seen each other in nearly 2-1/2 years, so the younger children didn't even remember each other, except from pictures.  
They got along like best friends from the very beginning.  It was so much fun to see. 

 Cousin Sabrina (4) and Annika (3) playing in the sand.  

 Sabrina taking Annika for a ride in her jeep.  
So funny to watch!

 Grant bought Corban (7) his first skateboard while we were there.  He has thoroughly enjoyed learning to ride it, despite the bumps and bruises he's accumulated.  

Then we loaded up our van, Sarah packed up her two girls (hubby John had to stay home to work), and we all headed to NW Arkansas to my parents' home.  Poor Ellia (17 months) thought we were never going to stop torturing her with the car.  

The first day at my parents', the weather was pretty nice, although some rain blew in later in the day.  The rain and thunderstorms pretty much never went away for eight days, unfortunately for us.  We were thankful for the nice times we had, though.  

 A neighbor's puppy, Pluto, kept running over to see us whenever we were outside.  The kids, especially Marissa (5) were enamored with him.  She would have snuck him home with us if she could have, and Grant would have been her accomplice without a blink of an eye, I'm sure.  

 Little puppy nibbles.  So cute!

Sabrina and Marissa, enjoying Pluto. 

 Annika on the trampoline with cousins Katie (7) and Eva (9). 

The next day we got to go see my sister Anna teach one of her ballet classes.  She is so amazing to watch, an inspiring and gorgeous dancer and lovely teacher.  

 After her class was over, she gave us a little performance of a dance she's working on to perform for her students' recital this month. 

I love watching her dance.  I wish I could see her more.....and I wish my girls could take classes from her.  
Ahhh....the difficulties of living far from family.  Boo.  

1 comment:

  1. sorry you were in the state during all our bad weather! it was freaky, aunt Terry's yard, and i think her shop and house, flooded pretty badly.
    we are hoping against hope for a mild summer. it's been HOT the last two years.
