
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Family Vacation, Part 1

I'm back!  Finally the sickness is gone, I have a never-ending appetite, and life is resuming some sort of normalcy.  We also just took a 16 day vacation to visit my family in Tennessee and Arkansas, so I'm gonna be posting some photos of our experiences.  

We started off our trip by driving through Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum, which is just south of Cincinnati. Grant and I had heard the founder of the museum, Ken Ham, speak at our state home school convention last year and were thoroughly impressed by him, his vision and ministry and devotion to the Word of God.  

The museum was really fantastic.  

 Corban loved this skeleton the most - part of which was excavated from Montana just a few years ago.

 Ellia was suffering from a cold and was not the happiest camper in the museum.  Poor baby.  

 Marissa and Annika

 Grant and the kids in the Dinosaur Exhibit.

 They had a fun petting zoo and beautiful botanical gardens outside the museum.  That was Marissa's favorite part.  Our little animal lover.

These are Zonkeys - a mix of Zebras and Donkeys.   I don't know if there are any others of these in the world.  At least they're pretty rare.  
 A really cool Chameleon.

Something must be interesting over there.....
Walking through part of the Creation Exhibit.  

 We all really liked the camel.  His name was Gomer.  He was super friendly and loved being petted. 

View of part of the garden area - taken from a gorgeous gazebo on one side of the lake. 

A suspension bridge in the garden kept the kids happy for awhile. 

 We booked a hotel (Homewood Suites by Hilton, AWESOME hotel for families) that had an indoor pool that we enjoyed on Sunday morning.....the kids thought they were in heaven. 

That's all I have time for today.....more installments of our family vacation and even a couple of new recipes (gasp!) are on the horizon!  Thanks for staying tuned!


  1. Hey welcome back! Glad the "sickness" is gone! What great pictures and looks like you had lots of fun! Would love to go to the Creation Museum someday with the kiddos!

  2. Thanks, Sweetland Farm! You should definitely go to the Creation Museum someday if you get the's great fun and I think we'll probably go back when our kids are older and able to understand more in a few years.

  3. I am glad you are feeling better! I have been thinking about you! I think I told you that I was VERY VERY sick with this pregnancy as well. So I knew what it was like to have days in bed and to think you may have twins! Praise God you are feeling better as am I! This pregnancy is still harder but at least I can function and do my daily chores!

  4. So glad you are feeling better and got to take a nice vacation too!

  5. Nice to see you back and feeling better. Missed you!
