
Friday, November 12, 2010

Crockpot Applesauce

I got a great deal on a couple of 3 lb bags of Gala apples a few weeks ago and since they were on the smallish side, they didn't tend to get eaten just plain.  I hated to waste them and was debating making an Apple Crisp....but then the idea of Applesauce hit me.  I have never tried making applesauce myself, although when I was growing up my mom made some wonderful applesauce.....we kids always loved running the hot cooked apples through the food mill.  

Ahhh....childhood memories.....I probably remember it more fondly than I thought of it at the time.  :)

Well, anyways, I don't own a food mill.  I figured I'd better peel the apples first.  Thank heavens for this.

Bought on clearance from Wal-Mart for $5, it's not something I pull out for every day use, but for projects like this one, it's a lifesaver.  

Put the boy to work!  He begged to be released from schoolwork to help make applesauce - I figured this is home-ec, so why not?  
We made fast work of 5 lbs of apples, let me tell you.   He peeled them, I cored and cut into slices. 

I knew we were going to have a busy day, so I wanted to use my crockpot if at all possible.  Worked wonderfully.  I considered running it through the blender for a smoother texture (which Grant would have preferred) but due to the time and mess involved, just left it a little chunky.  The kids and I didn't mind.  

The taste is yummy I don't want to cook with it, I just want to enjoy eating it plain.  

Recipe: based off of one from A Year of Slowcooking 

5 lbs apples, peeled, cored, cut into 8ths
2 t. cinnamon (you can certainly use less, this had a strong cinnamon flavor, which we like)
1/4 c. sucanat or brown sugar
2 T. lemon juice (didn't prevent mine from turning brown, as you can tell, but added a nice flavor)
2 t. vanilla
2 T. water (not needed - will omit next time)

Toss everything together in a crockpot.  Cook on low for 4-6 hours, or until apples are very tender.  Mash with a potato masher or large fork. 


  1. Wow, I LOVE the idea of applesauce in the crackpot. I have GOT to try that one. Just found your blog and am looking forward to following it!

  2. Hi Rivki! Thanks for stopping buy! I hope you like the applesauce - it sure went fast in my house!
    Just curious - how did you find my blog?
