
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Marissa!

Marissa Janae,

Today you are 5! 
How the time flies.
Daddy and I remember well the day you were born. 
What a joyous and exciting time that was for us!
To see our first daughter.....who looked so much like her daddy....
(and still does, for that matter!)
and adored him from the very start...
(and still does, for that matter!)
to snuggle you close and dream of all the delights of
raising a precious girl and wonder in amazement
at how different you were from your brother!

You are such a gift from God, Marissa. 
You have great joy and zest for life,
you have an infectious laugh from tiny babyhood that never ceases to make us smile. 
You love singing, drawing and coloring pictures for others, you adore animals
both stuffed and alive
and swinging in the back yard for hours. 

You're a wonderful helper around the house and with your baby sister,
you're learning how to measure ingredients and cook,
you're reading short words, and counting to 100,
and great at memorizing verses and songs.

You love dresses and having long hair, but you hate to have me brush it. 
You're bossy sometimes, very cuddly and snuggly and affectionate,
and very particular about how you want your dollhouse arranged. 
(although the rest of your room you don't seem to give a second thought.)

Oh, we love you Marissa. 
You light up our lives every single day.
We look forward to seeing the lovely young lady you become,
but are happy for you to stay a little girl for awhile longer. 

Happy Birthday! 

October 28, 2005

October 28, 2006

October 28, 2007

October 28, 2008

October 28, 2009 (professional picture, we don't have the license to print)

Taken at Yorktown Victory Center, September 20, 2010

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