
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Six Months Old

Dear Ellia,

You're six months old already. I can't believe we're half-way to your first birthday!

You can sit by yourself for several seconds to a minute or two, depending on how active you're feeling. You love to grab things and have just discovered the game of throwing stuff on the floor for someone to pick up for you. You don't have any teeth yet, nor have you started on any solid food. You're not showing much interest yet, and I'm not particularly motivated to push you. I know you'll grow up fast enough.

You celebrated your 6-month birthday by catching your first cold, courtesy of sister Annika.
You had a fever for a couple of days and developed a cough and runny nose, but you're already on the upswing and feeling much better. I hated seeing you feel so miserable and knowing I couldn't really make things better.

One of your favorite things to do is swing outside on the playset with your brother and sisters. You love being outside, and you love watching them and laughing when they come up to tickle you or make funny noises.

You're very attached to mommy and would be perfectly happy if I was the only one to ever hold you, but you do love your daddy too.

I love snuggling with you when you let me, especially during our night time nursing sessions. Yes, I do wish you would sleep through the night already, but I will definitely miss those sweet times of you nestled up next to my chest, peacefully nursing without the distractions of the day and grasping my hand with your silky smooth fingers.

I love your smile, your little squeals of excitement and joy, your slobbery kisses, your giggly delight when I nibble your tiny toes, your developing personality.

I can hardly wait to see the little lady you become....but I want to hold on to these precious baby days as long as I can.

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