
Monday, October 19, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo

I am running so behind! I just don't seem to get the time to sit down and blog about all the things I want to, but better late than never, right?

Last Monday, Grant had off for Columbus Day so after my early morning (kid-less!) grocery trip, we packed up and headed for our first trip to the zoo in more than two years. Apparently I'm only capable of going to the zoo when I'm eight months pregnant. What is wrong with me?
At least this time it wasn't July with the accompanying sweltering heat!

We brought light jackets, even though at home we felt fine without them. It was a good we all needed them, Corban more than others. (He had an unfortunate incident in the bathroom right after we arrived that .... well .... left his shirt soaked. With toilet water. I have no explanation. That jacket came in mighty handy.... as we're not in the habit of packing extra shirts for him.) Moving on.

Parts of the zoo are undergoing renovation and were closed, but we got to see some really cool animals nonetheless.

Grant and the kids checking out the Red River Hogs.

I think they were looking at the rhino here....Annika wasn't too impressed.

The giraffes were very popular.

But the lions were our favorite. We got to watch the mother with her four cubs frolicking around and playing for quite awhile.

They were literally just a pane of glass away from us! So cool!

Impressive creatures....and so entertaining!

The kids thought this (very cold) metal rhino was really fun.

A little better expression from Corban here.

Look at our little monkeys!

The spider monkeys were the other favorite - they would come right up to the glass and act like they were going to give "Hi-Fives". The kids LOVED them.

We saw other animals, of course, but these were most of the highlights. We really had a great time....and maybe we'll make it back again in less than two years. I'm really wanting to make a trip up to the National Zoo in D.C. sometime, but that's definitely a bigger trip. Maybe next year.

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