
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Marissa's 4th Birthday Party

Marissa turned 4 yesterday.....and got to go to Chick-Fila for lunch and to play in the indoor playground (it was a rainy day and my big plans for going to a beach playground were tossed out the window), and then we ended up making a trip to 5 Guys for burgers and hotdogs for dinner....whew. We got an extra special surprise with a visit from Grant's brother, who happened to be coming to the area for work and ended up staying the night with us!
She had a great birthday...but this was supposed to be about her party, which was last Saturday.

Marissa had very specifically requested a blue flower with some yellow on it and a green stem. No matter that her favorite colors are pink and purple and she wanted all pink decorations....that cake HAD to be blue. Okay.....I complied! Beside the cake you can see a few of the blue and yellow flower lollipops I made with white chocolate in some fun candy molds (borrowed from a friend). Those were wrapped up and included in the goody bags for the little girls.

Marissa was quite the cheerleader in encouraging her friends during the beanbag toss.

We had a little craft time where the kids made pictures for their moms....we ran out of room/chairs at the table, so Grant stuck Annika on the counter. Worked out great!

Corban was the only boy at the party...he didn't seem to mind too much. They all worked hard to make beautiful pictures with crayons and foam stickers.

Getting ready to sing...Marissa LOVED her cake!

Got all the candles in one blow.

After cake and ice cream, the kids got to decorate sugar cookies (in the shapes of butterflies or flowers) with melted almond bark and sprinkles. Those were take-home gifts too.

Annika hard at work with her cookie.

Marissa and her friend Evie....this is fun!

Looks good enough to eat!

Opening presents.

Showing off a couple of new dresses....very cute!

There was tons of confetti stuff all over the floor after the we put Annika to work vacuuminig it up. She loves helping!
Can I just say that I'm relieved that Birthday Season in our family is finally over? I do enjoy planning fun celebrations for my kids, but it is so much work, especially having two on back-to-back weekends like we do. There are a few disadvantages to having all of your kids in the same season. So now I can relax a bit and focus on preparing for the baby, which is a good thing. She's coming in just a few weeks!

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