
Monday, September 7, 2009

Annika's 2nd Birthday

Our youngest turned 2 on Sunday. We had a small party on Saturday....two families had been invited; one couldn't come because their daughter had an ear infection. The family that did come has twins, Reuben and Eliana, who will be 3 tomorrow, and a 21 month old son, Joha. We had a lovely time celebrating Annika and her precious life thusfar.

I discovered halfway through the party that the camera lense had a smudge on it that was messing up the pictures....Boo. So the first few of these photos have a distorted area on them....just try to ignore it.

Friend Joha, 21 months old. He really enjoyed the frosting.

This is pretty funny, Mom!

Ummmm....frosting is my favorite part.

Yeah, I got pretty messy too.....but not as bad as Joha!

Getting her first Webkinz....which delighted Corban and Marissa more than her. That's Reuben beside her.

Ack!! Getting 6 children under age 6 to even sit still is hard enough, let alone look at the camera and have a decent expression.
But we gave a valiant effort.

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