
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Back!

Thank the Lord, life is somewhat getting back to normal around here. The past two months have been very challenging but full of blessings, to say the least. In a nutshell, I went through three medications before settling on just one that was helpful; I ended up losing 9-10 lbs at my low point and the very next day, had to get IV fluids in the hospital (that was the Friday before Easter); I gained back 3 lbs that weekend and my weight stabilized there, but I was still sick pretty much all day and night; we were tremendously blessed by thirteen - yes, thirteen - friends bringing us dinner over a period of 3 weeks before my mom came to visit - we've never had so much food or felt so loved; my wonderful mom came to stay for 3 weeks and took care of everything for me, which was even more amazing because Grant was out of town for work the entire time (minus weekends); my in-laws arrived a couple of days before my mom left and have been an incredible help as well. We had Corban's first Pinewood Derby Race, in which he placed 5th out of 16 in his category; and that was the last day I threw up - just 2 days prior to turning 12 weeks. I still don't feel great all the time, but I am SO much better, even cooking now. I still don't like the smell of coffee, and a few other choice things, but I'm able to go for walks, spend the majority of my time OUT of bed, and can actually enjoy some outings!
Hopefully I'll be back on here with much more regularity, and maybe I'll even get some recipes up, now that I'm back in the kitchen!

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few shots of the past month.

My mom (Nonny), reading to the girls. They read a LOT.

One of the highlights of the girls' days was sitting on Nonny's lap and watching her take vitamins every morning. Who knew that could be so exciting?

We got to celebrate Nonny's 61st birthday - although she had to make her own dinner and cake. I felt pretty bad about that, but it was delicious! Corban and I did put up some balloons and streamers to surprise her.

Corban has been working on reading little books and completed his first reading chart of 20 books. His prize was his first watch, which he had been wanting for quite awhile.

Very proud boy!

Annika enjoying popcorn while watching a movie cuddled up with Grandpa.

Mother's Day - my first time back at church since March.

Mother's Day

The kids and I with Grandma

Corban collecting a specimen for his nature badge for Royal Rangers. He and Grandpa worked very hard on the project.

The kids and Grandma checking out some frogs in a little pond.

Little Marissa trying to pose for me.

Too cute.

1 comment:

  1. Bet you didn't know I moved to blogger!!! lol. glad you're feeling better. Now to enjoy pregnancy!!! Keep taking it easy and enjoy!
