
Monday, December 1, 2008

The past 2 weeks.....

I've been neglecting my poor little blog, sorry about that. Time has just slipped away from me and I delayed posting when I didn't have the pictures uploaded that I wanted, all that stuff. So here we are with an update of the past two weeks' activities.
Grant's parents arrived on November 18, very late at night. Actually, it was the 19th very early, but I digress. The kids were delighted to see their grandparents and made friends again immediately. There were special gifts as well.......the girls' gifts had been shipped to us early, but shopping had to be done for Corban's gift, so Friday morning was the big day. The girls received rocking horses, the cutest little things that make hoof noises and neigh while moving their heads and tails when you press their ears. Marissa found them particularly exciting....and Annika warmed up to them quickly, even distinguishing which one was hers and being quite possessive of it.

Marissa named her rocking horse Dancer, after Grandma's childhood horse.

Annika is checking out Marissa's horse.

Annika's horse is named Prancer.....just because it rhymed.

Corban received a Razor Scooter....which was something he had been desiring for awhile.

He's already been attempting, and succeeding, at wheelies. (not in this photo, I just thought I'd mention his ability.)

Also on Friday, we had a big first for the whole family. We went Bowling! Actually, Grant and I had a bowling date a few weeks ago that was OUR first time together....but this was the kids' first time in a bowling alley. We went to this really cute alley at Fort Monroe and were the only customers there. Worked out GREAT!

The kids had their own lane and used bumpers. Corban got a score of 72, Marissa 55. Not too bad, considering how small they are! You should have heard the shrieks and seen the dances of little Marissa when she'd get even one pin....and yes, you can completely miss everything even with the bumpers up.

This is serious business.

The lightest ball they had was 6 lbs...requires a lot of effort from a 33 lb girl!

Also in the past 2 weeks, we've had lots of shoulder rides......

And kids bundled up to go outside and play.

Then of course was Thanksgiving........and Uncle Eric came to visit for a couple of days. The kids always look forward to playing with him.....he's the energetic, playful, adoring uncle that any child would be thrilled to have around.

Here he's enjoying seeing the pictures of Grant's chin incident for the first time.

And he made sure to play Candyland with the kids not once, but twice.

Grant got to carve the lovely turkey Grandma baked.

The day after Thanksgiving, we put up the Christmas tree. Annika wasn't quite sure what to think of the whole thing!

Grandma and Grandpa with the kids.......very happy family.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your blog. I've been checking for pictures with Teri & Hank. I will add the picture of Grandma and Grandpa with the kids to our digital picture frame. Great picture!
    Aunt Sally
